The building I work in has a little stand up waterfall fountain thingy. It's relatively pretty and if I had more time when walking thorough the lobby, I might even find it hypnotic. Hell, It might even be worth trying to create a gif to throw in here, since, mathematically speaking, a 4 frame gif is equal to four thousand words of description. Anyway, the fountain caught my eye more than once.

My company expanded to the building across the street, which is apparently owned by the same people. I noticed their lobby had a almost the exact same fountain, with a slight variation in size. I used to chuckle to myself about the very good day that that fountain salesman must have had back in the day. 'Sure, I can sell you this one fountain for full price, but when you buy two, I can knock of 10%' The salesman in my mind is always the same salesman - it's Gil from the Simpsons/ Jack Lemmon from Glengarry Glen Ross. So naturally, to see TWO sales for ol Gil is a plus! I was happy for Fountain Gil. The two great American plays about salesmen (Glengarry and Death of a Salesmen) don't paint the rosiest of pictures about the life of a salesman, so any little victory is a plus.
One day I took a different route home through the streets of Hollywood. I peeked into the lobby of a random building and what did I see? Another stand-up waterfall fountain thingy! Suddenly my whole image of Gil changed. I wondered how many buildings in Tinseltown were adorned with the soothing white noise and hypnotic visual flow of these fountains. Now, I imagine a successful Gil, an empowered Gil. A raging, coked-up Gil, standing on the balcony of a stilt house hanging out over the Hollywood hills, looking down on the town and screaming out to the night, 'This is GIL'S TOWN- MY town! I OWN this fucking town!'
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