I often fear that I'm going to be sent back in time, like a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court or Army of Darkness. One of those scenarios where the knowledge and sophistication of being a modern man are both an asset and a threat. However, I'm really only deeply versed in technology that someone else makes. I can't make fire alone, I can't catch and harvest alone. I couldn't weald a chainsaw or probably even whittle a decent spear (though I will try, the next time the opportunity presents itself).
So I'd have to rely on my wits, which might be OK. After all, I think I'm a pretty witty guy. But I'm also not much of a people person, so when the guards drag me before the feudal lord, I'm not 100% confident I could talk my way out of it.
But it might work out, right? As an oddity alone, I might have some lasting value to some powerful person. I'm not a military strategist, but I've watched enough History Channel in my time to be of use in some situations. There might be broad concepts in art or architecture I may be able to convey (space-time continuum be dammed).
But there's one concern that I have, and it's very very unlikely, even in this already unlikely scenario. I have this weird fear that the only thing I'm going to be able to remember from the modern era is the guitar riffs to certain Classic Rock songs. Specifically, Smoke On The Water. Songs like In-A-Godda-Da-Vida, Sunshine of Your Love and Heartbreaker also make the short list. These deep, heavy, stable riffs of yore trigger this thought.
So what happens to me is that when these songs come on the radio (and they come on a LOT), I have this wistful little reflexive moment in my mind where I sort of sigh to myself and say, 'God, I hope this isn't all I can come up with if I go back in time.' And then a moment later I'm like, 'What the hell IS that?!?'
Where would something like that COME from and how could it possibly get stuck so DEEPLY in my mind?!?